You are responsible for your backups and web content. Every Sunday we take a...
Can you help me install WordPress/Joomla/Drupal/other software?Certainly! All our hosting packages include the Softaculous Premium Autoinstaller allowing you...
Email security certificate warning reading email using SSL/TLSIf you use SSL/TLS for your email, please make sure you're using the servers domain name, not...
How can I test or preview my website before switching DNS?To test your website with your own domain name before DNS propagation has completed, you can use...
How reliable are your servers? Uptime?Very reliable! Over the past year our uptime has been better than 99.98%. That's an average of...
How to make PHP configuration changesHow do I increase the value for upload_max_filesize or post_max_size or other PHP changes....
I can't login, please reset my password My ISP has blocked access to port 2083 - how do I access cPanel?At OurHelpdesk.NET, we meet this problem from time to time, so there is a solution to help....
Receiving Email from OurhelpdeskA lot of our communication will be through email. Everytime something happens - you sign up,...
SSH accessWe wanted to keep you in the loop about recent developments on our server. Some of you may have...
The Domain Expiry ProcessSTEP 1: Domain name registration expires This occurs when the domain name has not been renewed...
What are the control panel URL'sCpanel: http://cpanel.yourdomain.com WHM: http://whm.yourdomain.com Webmail:...
When I open my Cpanel I get a "Certificate Error" - why is that ?It is actually not an error but a warning, that the certificate is self-issued and not issued by...
Which nameservers should I use?ns1.ourhelpdesk.net Our central DNS system is...